Subjects of Economic Informatics

Subjects of Economic Informatics

First Year


First Semester


Economics (5 credits, exam)

This subject is an introduction into your main domain of activity. Its purpose is to give you basic knowledge in both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

Basics of Operational Research (4 credits, exam)

Searching for the way with the lowest cost or the optimal solution of an economic problem will be the main focus of this subject, while introducing you into the ways of cybernetics.

Algebra (5 credits, exam)

Despite the fact that it seems very different from the mathematics studied in school and, possibly, a bit intimidating, this subject is not impossible. With a little work and perseverance, everything will become clear as day.

Basics of Statistics (5 credits, exam)

You might have heard of polls and statistics in the mass-media. Now, you get to find out how these are being made. This subjects is based on mathematics, but you will also need intuition and patience.

Basics of Information Technology (6 credits, exam)

The spotlight will be focused on the ways in which the computer works and does its mathematical and logical operations. You will also get familiar with a programming language named Assembler.

Basics of Computer Programming (3 credits, verification)

This subject will teach you how to solve easy mathematical problems using vectors and matrices of various dimensions while programming in C.


Second Semester


Mathematical Analysis (5 credits, exam)

You will encounter familiar terms and operations, but you still should attend the seminaries in order to fully understand the types of exercises you will learn and be prepared for the exam.

Statistics (5 credits, exam)

This is an aprofundation of the subject studied in the first semester. You will learn slightly advanced procedures, such as how to compute a regression equation or how to adjust a time series of data.

Algorithms and Programming Techniques (4 credits, exam)

This subject will train your logical thinking and will teach you how to use several algorithms in order to solve problems in the simplest and most efficient manner possible.

Operating Systems (4 credits, exam)

The focus of this subject is the Unix family of operating systems, but you will also learn how to write basic scripts. The theoretical part of the course is an important part of the exam, so pay attention to it.

Basics of Economic Cybernetics (4 credits, exam)

Through this subject, you will get your first contact with what Cybernetics really means, the notion of complex adaptive systems of what models are and which is their role in economic processes.

Accounting (4 credits, verification)

This subject will show you the way in which transaction that happen within a firm are recorded and how financial statuses are computed. You will get accustomed to terms such as balance sheets and accounts.

Marketing (4 credits, verification)

Customer behaviour, marketing strategies and the categories of factors that affect the entire process of selling and buying are only a few of the topics that will be covered by this subject.




Second Year


First Semester


Object Oriented Programming (5 credits, exam)

This one is regarded as one of the more difficult subjects and will teach you basic concepts of the object oriented ways of programming, using C++.

Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics (4 credits, exam)

This subject serves as a continuation of mathematical notions from the previous year, while being strongly related to the sphere of Statistics.

Data Bases (5 credits, exam)

By studying this subject, you will learn how to work with an Oracle relational data base, using SQL. You will be able to design and build it, and then to write queries related to its contained data.

Macroeconomic Statistics (4 credits, ecam)

This subject will give you the opportunity to learn more about about how to compute the GDP, the GNP, the National Income and several other economic indicators that you remember from the first year.

Quantitative Microeconomics (4 credits, exam)

This is a mix of Microeconomics and Mathematics. You will study mathematical models made for the optimisation of economic processes. By paying attention to the course and seminaries, you should not encounter any difficulties.

Management (4 credits, exam)

You will study business strategies, how to set your objectives and how to structure an organisation. You will also gain a wider perspective of the entire management mechanism.

Finances (4 credits, exam)

One of the things that you will learn here is how to compute salaries, as well as other important financial indicators. With enough attention, you will easily master the ways in which budgets work.


Second Semester


Windows Application Programming (4 credits, exam)

For this subject, you will use notions studied at OOP and build Windows applications using C#. You will focus on their graphic interface.

Java Programming (4 credits, exam)

You will learn many useful things for your future programmer career, such as building a client-server and reading data from files or data bases.

Data Structures (4 credits, exam)

You will revisit different structures that you already used for other subjects, such as lists, graphs or hash tables, and learn how they are recorded in memory. You will need to spend some time in order to fully understand the presented concepts.

Data Base Management Systems Oracle (4 credits, exam)

This is a continuation of the Data Bases that you studied in the first semester. You will learn PL/SQL and you will even get to work in APEX. Generally, students do not encounter problems regarding this subject.

Quantitative Macroeconomics (4 credits, exam)

You will study the economic indicators of a country and notions such as the IS-LM-BP model. The exam will should not raise problems, given that you will work of many exercises during the seminaries.

Evolutive Programming of Genetic Algorithms (4 credits, verification)

This subject will present to you different algorithms and concepts of the population models and optimum functions, as well as concrete problems, like the optimisation of investment portfolios.




Third Year


First Semester


Computer Networks (5 credits, exam)

You will study the wide scope of how computers function interconnectedly. You will also get accustomed to the usability of network and internet services.

Mobile Devices and Applications (5 credits, exam)

This subject is based on knowledge already accumulated from other programming subjects, focusing on building programmes with graphical interfaces designated for Android devices.

Multimedia (5 credits, exam)

The applications developed for this subject are based on multimedia resources (audio, video, bidimensional) and client-server technologies.

Web Technologies (5 credits, exam)

As predicted by its name, this subject teaches you about several web technologies, used in order to design and develop web-sites and applications. You will get to work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Econometrics (5 credits, exam)

You will study several tests through which you could decide on the significant parameters of a regression model, as well as its validity.

Data Analysis (5 credits, exam)

For this subject, you will work with large sets of data and will learn how to efficiently analyse them, in order to extract and highlight the most relevant aspects for the given study.


Second Semester


Sociology (4 credits, verification)

This subject will give you a better understanding of the human society. Furthermore, you will study the person-society relationship and the way in which it influences our evolution.

Software Packages (4 credits, exam)

You will learn how to use software products such as Excel, SAS or Python in order to solve several economic problems, as well as general notions regarding licencing or cloud storage.

Time Series (4 credits, exam)

For this subject, you will compute forecasts in several domains, such as economics of sociology, by using some sets of analysis methods and techniques implemented in the EViews software.

Design of Informatic Systems (5 credits, exam)

This subject will get you through the necessary phases of building a complex informatic system, such as the analysis, design, implementation and testing of said system.

Software Quality and Testing (5 credits, exam)

For this subject, you will learn notions of clean coding and testing of applications and design patterns of class architecture, while using the Java language.

Economic Information Systems (5 credits, verification)

You will study economic systems, while focusing on the informational flux that takes place inside them, aiming to manage the flux using several specific tools.


Original by Andreas Roată-Moale and Cezar Barbu

Translated by Rareș-Andrei Dinu